Amanda Sallander
It all started with a vision in 2010 that ended up taking a life of its’ own…
Helping others move through fear, uncertainty and doubt by becoming more in touch with themselves (values and goals) and others through authentic and conscious relating, are skills that have been fine-tuned from decades of experience. Ancient traditions and sacred practices, along with modern-scientific research are taken into account to help with better managing stress and energy so that one can reach a potential that is OPTimal for holistic living, health and vitality. Transformation is a non-linear process that allows us to tap into a personal power where we can live with greater passion, purpose and joy with wherever we find ourselves at, and no matter where we are headed.
Open yourself up to ‘the unknown’; you are not in it alone.
Amanda Sallander is professionally certified in:
Organizational Psychology & Development specializing in consulting psychology and leadership development (graduate course level study).
Tantra Teaching (Mastery level)
Yoga Teaching (Registered Yoga Teacher at the 500-hour level specializing in Yoga Therapy)
Reiki Energy Healing (Level 2)
Personal Fitness Training with specialized credentials in Behavior Change Coaching
Amanda has also been involved with Organizations such as the Wright University in Chicago, IL with Transformational Leadership and Coaching courses as well as The University of Metaphysics School in Sedona, AZ.